Dec 10, 2009

Let's Dress Up

Tanner the frog

Kierre the mouse

Iiden the pig and Emma the chicken

Litzy the duck

Welcome Sarah!

This is our new friend Sarah!

We're so glad she's in our class!

Nov 28, 2009

The Letter O

What starts with the letter O?

Owl, Orca, Oatmeal, Octopus, Oval, Opossum, and
Orange start with the letter O!

Look how many letters we can stack!

The Letter C

What starts with the letter C?

Crocodile, Car, Cone, Camera, Cash register, Card, Cat, Cow,
Cake, Colors, Cup, and Coin start with the letter C!

The Letter T

What starts with the letter T?

Tractor, Tree, Tap shoe, Tiger, Taco, Tape, Truck, Tyrone,
Trabue (Emma's middle name), and Tanner start with the
letter T!

Horticulture Therapy with Ms. JoAnn

We love it when Ms. JoAnn comes to our classroom for Horticulture Therapy.
We listened to crunchy leaves:
We looked at the beautiful colors:

We felt soft leaves:

We shook a coconut and heard the milk inside:

And we made a leaf wreath:

Thanks Ms. JoAnn! We can't wait to see you in December!

Nov 2, 2009

Fall Festival

We had so much fun at the Fall Festival!

Oct 26, 2009

Mat Man

I believe that children learn through play and through hands-on experiences. We spend lots of time playing in our classroom. This year, I am trying the Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) program. We will be using the HWT manipulatives, we will not be using the worksheets or work books. HWT uses four basic shapes to create the letters of the alphabet - long line, short line, big curve, and little curve. I really like that HWT starts with the letters that are the easiest to make, allowing children to build on what they learned from previous letters. You can learn more about this curriculum here: As you know, we have already learned about L, F, E, H, T, and I. We have also learned about Mat Man.

We worked together to make Mat Man the first time. Here he is:

(I'm pretty sure Mat Man has magical powers - he can get 5 preschoolers to sit still at the same time!)

This week we are talking about the letter U. Mat Man is holding his umbrella so he can stay dry. Ask your child to sing Mat Man's song to you!

Oct 11, 2009

The Letter H

What starts with the letter H?

Hat, Hairbow, Helicopter, Hanger, Hand, Hot rod, Heart, Horse, House, and Hammer start with the letter H!

Oct 4, 2009

The Letter E

What starts with the letter E?

Emma, Elmo, Eye, Ear, Earring, Eagle, Elephant, Ear of corn, Egg, and Einstein start with the letter E!

Sep 26, 2009

Trying out the New Playground

Happy Birthday

September is a big month in room 109. Four of our friends have birthdays in September.
We made paper birthday cakes complete with paper candles while we were talking about birthdays.
Emma made a blue birthday cake.

Iiden made an invisible purple birthday cake.
Litzy made a multi-colored birthday cake.
Tanner made a mostly-green birthday cake.


How Tall Are We?

We recorded our heights on our classroom height chart. We will do this again at the end of the year to see how much we have grown.

Litzy will checking the baby's height throughout the year as well.

The Letter F

What starts with the letter F?

Fish, frog, flower, football, fruit, french fry, fan, flag, and fork start with the letter F!